Current Project

So to fill you in on what I'm up to right now if this is your first visit to my blog. My current adventure is, put broadly Sneaky Bear Productions. With my two best friends we've created a small business for our travels. More specifically the project we're spearheading is what we're calling Danger For Dollars. We're going to ten of the most dangerous trails in the U.S. rated by Backpacker Magazine and trying to raise money for an organization called at the same time. My most recent and new posts will be about this projects undertaking.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


So its been awhile since I last posted on here... Things didn't exactly go as planned. Sneaky Bear Productions fell apart after three of the ten trails. So, being the hard headed fool that I am, I kept going on my own. I hitch hiked up and down the west coast to do the other six trails on my list, and my brother came to join me in San Diego. Now I was originally intending to search the coatline for a boat to bring me to Hawaii but.. I was use to walking between 5 and 30 miles a day looking for a ride with a fifty pound pack on. My brother was not in quite as good of shape so we settled for my father buying us plane tickets. Hawaii is great my brother stayed with me for four months then returned home in November. In February I finally got around to the 10th trail. The Kalalau, 11 miles in, 11 miles out and tons of hippies in between made for quite an experience. I'm currently doing a work trade at a place called Olomana Gardens, though it's about time for a little change up to make things more interesting. And at the end of the year my aim is be a boat crew and sail to somewhere in Asia. -The Ramblin' Gamblin' Monk