Current Project

So to fill you in on what I'm up to right now if this is your first visit to my blog. My current adventure is, put broadly Sneaky Bear Productions. With my two best friends we've created a small business for our travels. More specifically the project we're spearheading is what we're calling Danger For Dollars. We're going to ten of the most dangerous trails in the U.S. rated by Backpacker Magazine and trying to raise money for an organization called at the same time. My most recent and new posts will be about this projects undertaking.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Live Over The Edge

I looked out over the edge, I leaned out, and took one breath to calm my nerves, just
enough, to take the final step, and fall… fear tore my thoughts to pieces, then nothing. My sight
came back in tunnel vision and everything seemed too unimportant to think about as I
hung from a rope, parallel to the ground, facing my potential demise. The fear of death sent adrenaline surging through my veins. Which made every cell in my body resist movement, my limbs to tremble and become unstable as my eyes finally took in everything I’d just done. Each step, slow, deliberate, and possibly my last.  
All of a sudden Ethan shouted hold on... my cameras memory is full.
I cursed his name under my breath politely waiting for the pain in the butt, son of a gun to take the picture so I could be done. Stillness provided a slight sense of security, taken back from me as I continued to the end.

As I reached the ground joy filled my body, imparting a slightly enhanced sense of my surroundings, and the only thought in my head was the happiness of living. And so for a short time, I was at peace, no hatred, no loathing, no pain, no worries, not a negative vibe in my soul to hang over my head and drag me down. In that moment I was alive, and every second lasted an age, as I felt the invincibility of youth, and for a brief moment immortality.
 One of these days I’m going to push the chief-bad-idea-haver off a cliff, hopefully he’ll have his camera ready, I’ve heard gravity waits for no man.

-The Ramblin' Gamblin' Monk

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